The Netherlands is a very popular, very convenient business location for both small and large companies. The country enjoys a very good geographical location in Europe, has a very good infrastructure, is open towards international businesses and, most of all, is considered a tax haven for companies.
Our expert accountants in the Netherlands can help you with detailed information about the Dutch taxation laws if you are considering choosing the Netherlands as a location for your business.
More than tax reasons
The concept of „tax haven” is not a new one. Other locations have been or still are prime locations for international businesses. The Cayman Islands or the Bermuda are known as top destinations for US multinationals that open offshore companies. Between them, these two locations produce almost 150 billion US dollars from foreign companies established there.
However, the Netherlands is catching up and a recent investigation lead by the European Commission found that 48% of the Fortune 500 companies have one or more limited liability companies in the Netherlands. An American report also enforces the idea that the Netherlands are almost a fiscal paradise: according to the US report, important US companies included in the Forbes 500 top list placed approximately 127 billion US dollars (approximately 93 billion Euros) in the Netherlands in 2010.
In 2011, important multinational companies based in the Netherlands managed to funnel approximately 57 billion euros through the Netherlands. Various companies benefit from the so called tax rulings in the Netherlands. Companies also benefit from hiring foreign employees, according to the 30% ruling.
However, the Netherlands is attractive to foreign investors not only due to its favourable fiscal climate, but because it provide easy access to some of the most important markets. Germany, France, and the United Kingdom are just some of the countries that are easily accessible from the Netherlands and are also important trade partners. Its geographical position makes the Netherlands a prime location for international offices.
Please contact our accounting firm in the Netherlands to find out more about special business incentives and tax compliance.
You can use our services for payroll in the Netherlands if you own a Dutch firm. From a financial perspective, we can handle every facet of employment. You can count on our accounting firm in the Netherlands for qualified assistance with anything from labor agreements to paying social security obligations.